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Beaty Lab at Penn State

The Cognitive Neuroscience of Creativity Laboratory (CNCL) at Penn State University studies the psychology and neuroscience of creative thinking.

Our lab uses a combination of behavioral, neuroimaging, and computational approaches to investigate the mechanisms underlying human creativity. We create open-access tools for evaluating creative thinking and examine creativity across diverse domains, such as music, science, and education.

Lab News

Great work, Clin!

CNCL graduate student Clin Lai recently won a best poster award at the Society for the Neuroscience of Creativity (SfNC) annual conference! Check out the poster here. Congratulations, Clin!

Congratulations, Dan!

CNCL graduate student Dan Zeitlen recently received the STAR (Superior Teaching And Research) award, which recognizes him for his all-around excellence in teaching, research, and service. Well deserved, Dan!

Dr. Beaty at Congreso Futuro 2024

Dr. Beaty recently gave a talk on creative thinking and artificial intelligence at Congreso Futuro in Santiago, Chile. Check out his talk here!

New Papers

New article in Creativity Research Journal

Paul DiStefano, Dr. Patterson, and Dr. Beaty and recently coauthored a new paper in Creativity Research Journal titled “Automatic Scoring of Metaphor Creativity with Large Language Models”. Congratulations to Paul on his first first-author publication! Check out the paper here!

New preprint on Research Square

Simone Luchini and Dr. Beaty recently put up a preprint on Research Square titled “Automated Scoring of Open-Ended Question Complexity: A Large Language Model Approach”. Check out the paper here!

New preprint on PsyArXiv

Paul DiStefano and Dr. Beaty recently put up a preprint on PsyArXiv titled “Automated Scoring of Scientific Creativity in German: A Brief Report of Study Design and Statistical Properties”. Check out the paper here!